Farida Khali speaker at the EC2025
Deputy head Unicom Communication & Media
Université de Fribourg

Farida Khali is deputy head of the Communication Service of the University of Fribourg. As head of the editorial office and of the Culture, Science and Society Office, she is in charge of media relations, the institution's magazines, and the organisation and coordination of events for the general public.

She is also president of the Réseau romand Sciences et Cité and a member of the Foundation Board of Science et Cité in Switzerland, as well as a member of the Steering Committee of Euprio. 

Crisis communication – navigating in a turbulent Europe (EMP Talk)

Lately, crisis communication at universities in Europe has had to address political crises. We have examined recent instances where universities across Europe have taken a stand or remained neutral on political issues and gathered insights on the consequences.

This session will be divided into three parts: a brief presentation of the findings of the EMP, followed by an open exchange about your own experiences and challenges. We will conclude by highlighting our common points and takeaways for moving forward.

Talk with Marlene Günsberg