Katja Lahti is a former startup entrepreneur and author currently driving impact communications at Aalto University. She has a long background in IT and analytics and endless interest in dialogue and storytelling.
Data-drivenness has been widely adopted as a way to lead organisations. Core business performance is measured through various ERP and customer management systems. Universities are no different. Research and educational goals are set, performance is managed and KPIs are monitored and communications activities evolve around these basic functions.
However, in the current global situation with economy challenges and anti-science movement on the rise, universities need to actively communicate their societal impact: what the world would look like without universities. With a broader perspective it is possible to tap into new key messages and narratives and speak to a variety of audiences.
Communications start with data validation. When looking at impact as an effect on the surrounding society, there is always scarcity of relevant data. No CRM is built for impact measurement, so a new set of impact instruments, goals and indicators are needed. An ambitious plan to report societal impact requires input from several units through the university, data source validation and commitment from the management.