Euprio Conference 2024 at the University of Turin (Italy)
Euprio Conference 2024 at the University of Turin (Italy)
EUPRIO logo UNITO logo

Shaping the Future: The Strategic Role of Communication in the European universities

June 12-15, 2024 - Turin (Italy)

It is with great pleasure that the University of Turin host the 2024 Euprio Annual Conference.
It is an honour to welcome the communication and conference delegations of the European Universities to Turin.

General presentation

Communication at universities has changed over the years.

It has become more important. It has become more diverse. There are many more channels to use, not only digital, but also offline with public events and student marketing events. There are new tools with artificial intelligence and much more information around, making it more difficult to attract attention.

The world is more interconnected and universities need to be strongly anchored regionally, but also have international openness to offer excellent teaching, research and knowledge transfer.

At the EUPRIO conference, all units of the communication departments in Higher Education learn about the state of the art internationally. In internal or external communication, in social media, in crisis communication, in the digital communication or at open doors, in dialogue with the population or with politics, but also in alumni relations or fundraising.

Strategic communication at universities is important for the future. We need to be efficient and effective in order to master all these tools and utilise all channels. Our Researchers, students and new tools such as artificial intelligence help us to do this.

Come to the EUPRIO conference and learn about the latest trends in communication in higher education.

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University Information

Founded in 1404, the University of Turin (UniTo) is one of the oldest and most prestigious Italian universities. Many prominent italian figures of the 20th century, such as Antonio Gramsci, Piero Gobetti, Norberto Bobbio, Cesare Pavese, Primo Levi, and Umberto Eco, studied here. Additionally, also three Nobel Prize winners in Medicine, Salvatore Luria, Rita Levi Montalcini, and Renato Dulbecco, as well as two Presidents of the Italian Republic, Luigi Einaudi and Giuseppe Saragat studied at Unito.

It comprises an ecosystem of seven major hubs consisting of 27 departments and more than 120 locations throughout the regional territory. With approximately 81,000 students and over 4,000 employees (as of December 31, 2022), including faculty and administrative staff, UniTo offers 160 study programs at the undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate levels in various fields: economics, legal and socio-political studies, humanities, sciences, and health. The educational offerings also include 54 doctoral research programs, 99 first and second-level master's programs, and 58 specialization schools.


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