The next step is the call for partners, with EUPRIO members invited to put themselves forward to participate in the programmes approved by our executive board, writes Nic Mitchell.
The deadline for submission is November 15, 2019.
See here for How the EMP works. The four projects chosen this year have been proposed by members from four different countries:
- How to implement a university’s strategic plan and values effectively? from Hannamajia Helander, University of Helsinki, Finland
- Children University: science dissemination outside the classroom, from Federica Scotellaro, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy
- Communicating the change: internal and external communication in university mergers, from Kerstin Theilemann, Universität Koblenz-Landau, Germany Civic unites.
- Strengthening the connection between the university and the region through authentic communication, from Katelijne Ulenaers – Universiteit Hasselt, Belgium
You can find the EUPRIO Mobility Programme Partner Form by logging in to our community tool MyEUPRIO here. If you need any assistance email info@euprio.net
There are a couple of case study blogs on the EUPRIO website highlighting some of the results from two projects from the last round EMP if you want to see the value of taking part. See Turning university staff into social advocates and EUPRIO gets international and communication teams collaborating.