Professionally I am involved in design (privately I try less). Associated with the University for a long time.
I don't like to lose and I don't like things to be forced. I like any animal that can be petted, typographic designs and finding solutions to seemingly impossible situations. I don't believe in the phrase “it can't be done.” I'm interested in digital accessibility of designs, user experience and ghost movies, which I don't believe in.
I am responsible for coordinating the brand communication of our university, trying to balance our needs with our expectations. Proud co-author of UniLodz Values, including their graphic design, the last few and the new design of the First Rector of the University of Lodz Prof. Tadeusz Kotarbinski Award, the concept of the “Science inspires - get inspired by science” project, and guardian of our visual identity.
A graduate of UniLodz and the Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz.