I joined EUPRIO in 1992, attended 26 Annual Conferences and organised 4 of them in Italy. I have been joining the EUPRIO Steering Committee and the Executive Board since 2003 as Treasurer and National Representative for Italy. Since June 2018 I am Development Manager for EUPRIO, freelance journalist and consultant for university communications. In 1992 with other colleagues I also founded AICUN, the Italian Association of University Communication Professionals and I have been member of the SC and the EB as Treasurer and Secretary. My degree was in Classical Archaeology at the University of Milan, but since 1991 I have been dealing with university and editorial communications, public and international relations having worked for LIUC University, IULM, Roma Tre University, Bocconi University, De Agostini-UTET Publishing Group, EGEA-Bocconi University Press, the University of Turin, and the Milan Book Fair Tempo di Libri. During my working life, I have organised hundreds of scientific meetings, institutional and promotional events, including the 100year anniversary of Bocconi University. As director of the press office I promoted hundreds of events, activities, publications, authors and I organised several press tours and press conferences. I organised Public Engagement events, I realised with IT engineers different forerunners of the current CRMs, I sent abroad and welcomed hundreds of students and dozens of teachers with European programs, I was EU Commission evaluator for the Tempus programme, and consultant for the launch in Italy of the Socrates-Erasmus Programme. I am a strongly convinced that communications makes the difference for universities’ reputation. I love my work and I try to put in my activity as much energy, passion, perseverance and professionalism as I can.