
Battlefield of Science vs. Journalism vs. Marketing?
EUPRIO Webex Room

promoted by the EUPRIO Super Bowl Team from Austria, Belgium, Norway, Poland

EUPRIO Super Bowl How to communicate science when the world collide?
Workshop programme

Despite the Covid-induced pause in physical meetings, EUPRIO has been working hard to offer a new series of webinars to all members. A recent Super Bowl draw among the member-countries and their representatives created several working groups, each with a given task to organise a webinar together. As a result we can offer you a set of consecutive meetings, scheduled on a monthly basis, filled with opportunities to share insights, best practices, present cutting-edge research results and/or find answers to some of the most discussed questions in today’s university communications.


General topic of this EUPRIO webinar relates to problems of collisions between science, journalism and marketing on the path leading to the best practices of science communication.  Our panelists will be asked to reflect on issues such as:

  • oversimplification and topic selection in science communication
  • how easy or how hard is getting science points across to the general public?
  • “selling” scientific findings or playing with people’s hopes
  • ethical limits in science communication, including the misuse of scientific results
  • should scientists always be communicators or should communicators become scientists?

The Webinar will be divided into four parts:

Part I – The Experiment

The EUPRIO moderator will introduce Associate Prof. PD DI Dr. techn. Peter Weinberger (Head of Research Group on Magneto- and Thermochemistry, Institute for Applied Synthetic Chemistry in Vienna, and a TV-Science-Persona from „Science Busters”),

Peter will conduct a home-experiment and engage everybody willing to do the same in real time-live. All participants are encouraged to prepare the following necessary items in advance to do the experiment by themselves simultaneously. (max. 10 Min.)

The prerequisites necessary are only simple items available in most households:

           a small water-tight plastic container, e.g. such as

a roll of aluminium foil, such as:

 an electric water kettle, such as:

 one package of baking soda, such as:

Dr. Oetker Bicarbonate of Soda 200g | Sainsbury's

a spoon, fork or knife made from pure silver, which is already black-tarnished



Part II - Panel discussion with invited speakers

EUPRIO moderator:  Koen Santermans (Hasselt University, Belgium)

EUPRIO co-moderator:  Marcin Witkowski (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland)


  • dr. Martijn Peters (Belgium), science journalist, pr/marketing specialist, scientist, Science and Weather Coordinator Dpg Media (TV and Print) – Belgium;
  • Associate Professor Agnieszka Stępińska, professor at the Department of Social Communication, Faculty of Political Science and Journalism at the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland.
  • Associate Professor, PD DI Dr. techn. Peter Weinberger, Head of Research Group on Magneto- and Thermochemistry, Institute for Applied Synthetic Chemistry in Vienna, and a TV-Science-Persona from „Science Busters”).

Part III: Discussion and/or Q&A session with all participants (audience and panel)

(approx. 15 min)

Part IV (optional): virtual meet and greet for EUPRIO members


When: Friday, October 15th, 2021 - h. 01:00 -02:00 p.m. (CET)

Where: on the EUPRIO Webex Room (the webinar link will be sent by e-mail)

Target group: EUPRIO Members

Registration: on MyEUPRIO starting on October 6th, 2021!

Deadline: October 14th, 2021


Should you need any further information for registering to the webinar please feel free to contact:

Paola Scioli, EUPRIO Development Manager - mob. +39 335 5725029 - email:

Go to the following webinar

Dr. Martijn Peters received his master's degree in biomedical sciences in 2013 and PhD in science in 2017 at the Hasselt University. After his doctorate, he became a staff member of science communication at Hasselt University to transfer to DPG Media as coordinator of Science & Weather in 2019. Peters is a biomedical engineer by training with a specialisation in bioelectronics & nanotechnology. He did research on the use of fluorescent nanoparticles to study brain disorders including multiple sclerosis. After earning his PhD, Peters became a staff member of science communication at UHasselt in 2018. He was responsible for promoting research at UHasselt, both directly through content creation and indirectly by supporting scientists and organising projects. In 2014 he won the first UHasselt Science Slam and in 2016 the Science BattleBesides doing science communication himself, he also organised several events including in 2016 TEDxUHasselt. For his efforts, he received the annual science communication award from the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium, the Young Academy (twice) and the EOS public award.

Prof. Agnieszka Stępińska is Associate Professor, dr hab., PhD at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (Poland). Agnieszka Stępińska’s main area of research is political communication, journalism, and media content. She has participated in several international research projects. Currently, she is a vice-chair of the Working Group 2 (Populism and Media) of the COST ACTION IS1308 Populist Political Communication in Europe. Comprehending the Challenge of Mediated Political Populism for Democratic Politics. She is also a leader of national research teams participating in the international projects: Journalistic Role Performance Around the Globe and Election news in Europe: what is covered and how? Professor Stępińska is involved in the NORFACE project: THREATPIE: The Threats and Potentials of a Changing Political Information Environment. She leads a research team on populist political communication, serves as an executive editor of the Central European Journal of Communication and a member of the editorial board of the Central European Political Studies. She is also a member of the Network of Political Communication Scholars (NEPOCS).

Prof. Peter Weinberger is an Austrian Associate Professor, PD Dipl.-Ing., Dr. techn.


  • 74 papers published in peer reviewd journals
  • 6 invited talks
  • 11 patents filed (6 granted)
  • 45 oral contributions
  • 34 posters
  • Total funding acquisition (only own share of consortia included) 1.602.506,25 EUR
  • Venia Docendi in Inorganic Chemistry 2010
  • Eurolecturer Award Utrecht 2013
  • Finalist – Best Teaching Award TU Wien 2017
  • Joint Editor “Festschrift Fakultät für Technische Chemie”, 200th Anniversary TU Wien 2015
  • Outreach activities – TV series “Science Busters”
  • Faculty representative in the Equal Opportunity Board (AKG) since 2004

Past Workshop

March 12 - 14, 2025
Bridging AI and Sustainability: Empowering European University Communicators
EUPRIO-COALESCE Spring School for Communication Officers
Venice International University, Island of San Servolo, Venice, Italy
November 07 - 08, 2024
Inside EU – Exploring Brussels
Briefing for Directors of Communications in Higher Education
SwissCore/KoWi, Rue du Trône 98, 1050 Brussels (Belgium)
March 14 - ,
What Wave are we on: University Radios in the era of Podcast
a discussion about present and future of university radios and podcasts

This is an initiative associated with UAveiro's 50th Anniversary Commemoration Program, which is also a national meeting of EUPRIO - European Association of Communication Professionals in Higher Education, co-organized by AAUAv - Academic Association of Universidade de Aveiro and Universidade de Aveiro. 

You are all invited to come to Aveiro, Portugal, and join us!

Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
March 18, 2022

Promoted by the EUPRIO Super Bowl Team Spain, France, Iceland and Czech Republic

EUPRIO Webex Room
February 25, 2022

Promoted by the EUPRIO Super Bowl Team FUCD from Finland, United Kingdom, Croatia and Denmark

EUPRIO Webex Room