
New digital advertising at the end of cookies domination:
more efficient and deeper connections and users
Webinar by Ronan Carrein

promoted by Christine Legrand, Director of communications and industrial relations at CPE Lyon (France) and Vice President of EUPRIO

EUPRIO webinar by Ronan Carrein
Workshop programme

The webinar will focus on the following key points:

  • Where did cookies come from?
  • Why have cookies become so important in digital campaigns?
  • What do we know about first-party and third-party cookies?
  • Is the culture of tracing over? • What are the implications of cookies fading away?
  • How do we create a new post-cookies ecosystem?

Some of your key take-aways will be:

  • Overview of new advertising: what can marketing and communication specialists do?
  • Key principles to adjust your strategies and win
  • Applications for the higher education players

Speaker: Ronan Carrein, a 15 years expert in digital advertising related product development and go to market strategy at Google

When: Friday May 21st, 2021 - h. 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. (CET)

Where: on the EUPRIO Webex Room (connection link sent by email)

Target group: EUPRIO Members

Registration: on MyEUPRIO

Deadline: May 20th, 2021

Should you need any further information for registering to the webinar please feel free to contact:

Paola Scioli, EUPRIO Development Manager - mob. +39 335 5725029 - email:

Speaker's profile

Ronan Carrein in his own words: "I have 15 years of experience in digital advertising related product development and go to market strategy at Google. Most noticeably, I have launched Remarketing, Google's retargeting technology and a pillar of Cookie / tag based user targeting. Until recently, I was leading Google 1P data effort for the publisher business in San Francisco, showing top US companies how to start leveraging 1P data as a more efficient, future proof alternative to cookies. I recently joined Better & Stronger to build a data team and transform the company into a spearheading agency when it comes to helping clients transition to a data centric ecosystem".

Contact info on Ronan’s Linkedin profile

Past Workshop

March 12 - 14, 2025
Bridging AI and Sustainability: Empowering European University Communicators
EUPRIO-COALESCE Spring School for Communication Officers
Venice International University, Island of San Servolo, Venice, Italy
November 07 - 08, 2024
Inside EU – Exploring Brussels
Briefing for Directors of Communications in Higher Education
SwissCore/KoWi, Rue du Trône 98, 1050 Brussels (Belgium)
March 14 - ,
What Wave are we on: University Radios in the era of Podcast
a discussion about present and future of university radios and podcasts

This is an initiative associated with UAveiro's 50th Anniversary Commemoration Program, which is also a national meeting of EUPRIO - European Association of Communication Professionals in Higher Education, co-organized by AAUAv - Academic Association of Universidade de Aveiro and Universidade de Aveiro. 

You are all invited to come to Aveiro, Portugal, and join us!

Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
March 18, 2022

Promoted by the EUPRIO Super Bowl Team Spain, France, Iceland and Czech Republic

EUPRIO Webex Room
February 25, 2022

Promoted by the EUPRIO Super Bowl Team FUCD from Finland, United Kingdom, Croatia and Denmark

EUPRIO Webex Room