
What Wave are we on: University Radios in the era of Podcast
a discussion about present and future of university radios and podcasts
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal

This is an initiative associated with UAveiro's 50th Anniversary Commemoration Program, which is also a national meeting of EUPRIO - European Association of Communication Professionals in Higher Education, co-organized by AAUAv - Academic Association of Universidade de Aveiro and Universidade de Aveiro. 

You are all invited to come to Aveiro, Portugal, and join us!

Workshop university radios
Workshop programme

9:15am – 9:30am – opening
Paulo Jorge Ferreira, Rector of Universidade de Aveiro
Wilson Carmo, President of the Academic Association of UAveiro
EUPRIO representative

9:30am – 10:45am - lecture and debate
Sounds and Visions of Universities. Radio, podcasts and multimedia in university communication
Mihaela Gavrila, Sapienza University of Rome and vice-president of RadUni, the Italian network of university radio stations

11:00am – 12:30pm - round table
University radios in Portuguese Higher Education Institutions: different management models, purposes, objectives and audiences




2:30pm – 3:30pm - case study
The future of the podcast
Ruben Martins, author of the first doctoral thesis on podcasts in Portugal, journalist for Público and university professor

3:30pm – 4:00pm
Signing of the consortium proposal between UAveiro and AAUAv for the development of the Radio Project
Alexandra Queirós, Vice-rector for Policies for Culture and Campi Life Wilson Carmo, President of AAUAv


Day: March 14th, 2024

Time: 9:15am - 4:00pm

Location: Mestre Hélder Castanheira Auditorium (UAveiro Bookstore)

Registration: registration form

Entrance is free

At a time when press and media are going through great challenges and trials, university radio stations, both traditional or on-line radios, continue to make themselves heard. Which management models are used? To what extent? With what purpose, goals and audiences? Which are the challenges? How is digital positioned? How do radio and podcasts are included into institutional communication strategies in Higher Education Institutions?

On a day of meeting and shared reflection, HEI communication professionals, students and their representative Associations and the media partners are invited to share perspectives and experiences.

The key note speaker will be Mihaela Gavrila, from Sapienza Universitá di Rome and vice-president of RadUni, the Italian network of the University radio. Mihaela Gavrila will present her views about “Sounds and Visions of Universities. Radio, podcasts and multimedia in university communication”. The meeting will also include a round table with representatives of the university radios in Portugal and a case study presentation about “The future of Podcast” by Ruben Martins, the author of the first doctoral thesis on podcasts in Portugal, journalist atPúblico and university professor. The day will close with the signing of the Consortium proposal between Universidade de Aveiro and AAUAv for the development of a new Radio Project.

Past Workshop

October 15, 2021
Battlefield of Science vs. Journalism vs. Marketing?

promoted by the EUPRIO Super Bowl Team from Austria, Belgium, Norway, Poland

EUPRIO Webex Room
September 23, 2021
The future of International Relations in Research and Higher Education (From Horizon Europe to Erasmus)

Second webinar organised by EUPRIO for the online conference of the Federal Association of Higher Education Communication (Bundesverband Hochschulkommunikation - Germany)

Online webinar
September 22, 2021
How to engage with the students, learnings from the pandemic

First webinar organised by EUPRIO for the online conference of the Federal Association of Higher Education Communication (Bundesverband Hochschulkommunikation - Germany)

Online webinar
June 11, 2021
Cities and universities: from Co-Existence to Co-Creation

promoted by Farida Khali, Médias Deputy Head Université de Fribourg and Deputy National Representative for Switzerland in the EUPRIO Steering Committee

Webinar by Annette Klinkert
May 21, 2021
New digital advertising at the end of cookies domination:
more efficient and deeper connections and users

promoted by Christine Legrand, Director of communications and industrial relations at CPE Lyon (France) and Vice President of EUPRIO

Webinar by Ronan Carrein