Innovative project to instal primary school in university wins 2022 EUPRIO Awards

The EUPRIO Awards took place for the first time in three years as part of the 2022 Zurich Conference and the long wait was certainly worth it.
Revising the (Third) Mission: a policy roadmap for Italy

By Giorgia Ponti (Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities, OECD) and Brigida Blasi, Head of Evaluation Unit Third Mission & Societal Impact at National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes
EUPRIO promotes the Career Days at the Council of EU 2021

Discover your future with the Digital Services!
EUPRIO joins the LUMEN Conference 2021

The leading and most-attended event in higher education sector in Poland, focused on strategic and operational university management
Giving trust and harvesting responsibility

EUPRIO-Directors Briefing starts successfully. How can it work to fulfil the complex tasks in a communication department under the new challenges of a digital office? How can colleagues be brought along and motivated? These and other questions were discussed by organisational scientist and digitalisation expert Isabelle M. Welpe from the Technical University of Munich at the 1st EUPRIO Directors Briefing with almost 30 heads of communication departments.
Earthquakes, Computer Crashes and Covid-19 Campus Outbreaks

As universities welcomed students back to campuses this autumn, many towns and cities saw a surge of confirmed Covid-19 cases and university communication teams back in crisis mode. Here Nic Mitchell finds out how EUPRIO members from across Europe are meeting the challenges of the ‘new normal’ in the midst of a second wave of the Corona virus.
Why scientists should help the media make sense of Covid-19

EUPRIO’s annual conference in Trieste, which was due to open on 30 August, has been postponed until next year due to the Covid-19 pandemic – but its theme of “Science communication: how to engage nowadays” could not have been more relevant.
Moving the big events to the virtual environment

As universities responded to Covid-19 by moving online, Nic Mitchell looks at key lessons from a webinar on the rapid transformation of big events like open days and graduation ceremonies to the virtual environment and Christine Legrand reports from a French online discussion on communication challenges during and after the corona crisis.
Sharing lessons as we communicate back to the “new normal”

We’ve all had good and bad experiences of continuing to communicate with our students, staff and other stakeholders in the middle of the coronavirus crisis and now is the ideal time to look at lessons learnt since the pandemic shut campuses and forced teaching and virtually everything else online.
Communicating in a covid crisis

Universities in europe and across the world have overcome daunting communication challenges since the covid-19 virus shuttered campuses and forced teaching online – and they face fresh obstacles in navigating to the ‘new normal’.